Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Today's best t-shit ::



Love this shit. I reckon kp will like it too - makes me think of Heaf.

So tonight I was supposed to be having a gym & curry night at Ryan's but he's cancelled on me cos the poor bastard has to work. Not too sure if I'm ready for the gym anyways. Of course I was ready for the curry. Weirdly, a taste of home.

My boss told me today I'd be starting from 9.40am now, instead of 10.15. I will now have a break from 12:30 to 2:30 every day, which is good. I think. I will be able to do something, whereas previously I had two 45-minute breaks thirty minutes apart, which was annoying.

I wore my new top to work today - I bought it from a t-shit stand in the street by work for $5. No stupid print, oversize white buttons and blue polka dots. But the key feature is its lack of sleeves, which I thought was controversial, as there's a bit of a dress code. Pix advised me against wearing it and told me she was sent home from her school and told to change. Anyways, no complaints. One student who is in kinder looked at me admiringly and said 'teacher! new!' and pointed at my top - A SEVEN YEAR OLD BOY. 'Thanks, Benjamin'.

A new student came in today and my boss told me her name was 'Abril', and I said that was unfortunate as it was obviously supposed to be 'April' but someone cocked up. My boss replied 'but I thought it was a pretty name'... She had chosen it for the student... Foot in mouth, I explained, any name is a fine name but people might get confused because 'April' is more common. She then printed a list of girl's names from the internet and I went through and told her to avoid names like 'Winifred', 'Silvester' and 'Gertrude'. Sweet jesus.

Still hot as hell in Seoul. Damn.

Oh, and I always knew London sucked. Now I have real evidence: Stephen Bayley, an art critic and journalist submitted a to the Conservative Party's policy group focusing on quality of life. It said, in part: "Putting 10 million aggressive hominids into close proximity and inviting them to engage in serial acts of competitive individualism ... for jobs, schools or parking spaces, could not be considered a reasonable idea... You put rats in claustrophobic circumstances and they become homosexual, murderous and cannibalistic in no time at all. Instead humans find ingenious solutions, underground car parks, coffee shops, Chinese takeaways, one man buses, cycle lanes, tall buildings."


Cade said...

What an interesting life you lead...

mskp said...


Bonnie Conquest said...

or silvester?

mskp said...

no! that guy who said that when you put rats together they become criminally inclined and cannibalistic and homosexual! what?

Bonnie Conquest said...

ha ha ha he's an art critic! what would he know?!

mskp said...

and i might also say...that in my first comment i was pronouncing it:


with a peter o'toole/richard harris/old british man kind of accent.

just to be clear.

Bonnie Conquest said...

i only over say it like that now.
my korean friends must wonder what the fuck is wrong with me when i say

Cade said...

Of course I was serious. It really sounds interesting and a challange being where you are doing what you are doing.
No sarcasm here.