Think of Geoffrey Rush in Lantana when he uses the word.
But I can also be the live version of the Mountain Goats song 'Half Dead' ::
Can't get you
Out of my head
Lost without you
Half dead
Took my spot at the window
looked at the road
Dots and dashes of traffic
Like a message in code
But there is also so much more.
Charlie's flying high above us, flying home to Melbourne, and I'm here... Washing to do, classes to teach, life to get on with, new plans to make...

We had an unbelievable 10 daze together and did so much wonderful stuff. Yesterday I had the privilege of introducing Charlie to the work of Mark Rothko, one of the best Jews ever produced by Latvia. There was a small retrospective here in Seoul at a very beautiful gallery. It showed Rothko's final painting, and a few of his very large 'colour field abstractions'. Charlie said he felt giddy. Later I thought the feeling of falling in love is like the feeling of falling through/into the emotions in Rothko's best works.
Saturday it rained. Charlie had been so lucky and had fine but cooler weather. But he wanted it to rain so he could get the full Bladerunner effect of Seoul. Voila! And we had scheduled a walk up the hill near my house. So we ignored the rain and walked (apart from the stairs which Charlie had to sprint!). Amazing. We saw many scary spiders, some very cute critters scurrying about, and an old lady being piggybacked from a small farm by some ambulancemen. And I could show Charlie what I meant by 'outdoor gym'.
Friday and Sunday night we pretty much stayed in, but Saturday we had dinner with Ahri and Ahrong and then raced to FF to see Nunco for my 5th time. Again, so glad Charlie was there so he could witness the goodness first hand. Ethan came and he's blogged all about how great they played, and the other 2 bands on that night. I invited my new K-friends and they were a hit, loved the music and danced up a storm. I tried to stay off the dance floor (for obvious reasons) but had strangers asking me to dance with them so it was hard to stay cool.
Wishing you both well, Oh Bonnie & Oh Charlie.
I remember separation. I announced my engagement and then left to work in a mining town for 12 months before the wedding. Saved a few sheckels, but spent gazillions on phone calls. That was over 30 years ago.
And tonight I have loved ones in Beijing, nearly as far from Brisbane as Seoul is from Canberra.
So chin up, the human spirit is good at surviving, as long as you know there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
oh honey, i LOVE it when you dance. there are few more gorgeous things in the world.
p.s. i'm for you.
i cannot get enough of that photo. it is joy personified. you two fill my heart.
don't fret pet. i'm working on a list of things to do in korea. we are going to be busy, busy, busy...
jethan, you sound like an EXCELLENT friend. thank you for looking after our bonnie. i hope i get to meet you one day [who knows? maybe in the u.s. of a.?]...
Sounds brilliant, all of it.
Rothko's paintings look so much more compelling in life. I remember seeing them for the first time and realizing why he is revered. Reproductions in books dont do it any justice.
mikefitz, beautiful comment...
p.p.p.s. I second that p.p.s. that is the the best photo, joy personified indeed. And I dont even know you little buggers
Chin up, lovely Jess. The first few days are the worst, but then you'll get back into the crazy Seoul swing of things.
Go shopping, drink SoJu, make plans and lots of long phone calls!
Love you and your blog :)
Hey thanks everyone... What a buncha sweeties... Thanks for the plans Ethan, and thanks for the dancing compliment KP. And Kira! Of course you, more than anyone, understand what I'm going through... Funny, huh?
This is testement that absence makes the heart grow fonder.
"Later I thought the feeling of falling in love is like the feeling of falling through/into the emotions in Rothko's best works."
That's fucking beautiful.
hasn't she got a way about her?
you're from nillumbik? i'm from nillumbik...
i was so there first
kiki... do i know you?
i don't live there anymore, but my folks still do...
i used to hold down a job at the Nillumbik medical centre doing some gardening
rad times
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