Ohhh yeah. There's some tea and rice snacks... for Charlie and I... Served variously on polystyrene and my journal... On the corner of my bed. I think it's clear from this picture that life can indeed be very sweet.
In other news, yesterday I saw a t-shit - black and red striped with big white messy letters - which said 'Free The West Memphis 3'. Intriguing.When I had a look-see on the intermenet, I learned that Eddie Vedder also sports this t-shit sometimes. The three are three guys who were convicted of killing three 8-year olds. There is a campaign to free them as it's reckoned there was a miscarriage of justice and the three are innocent. Hmmm.
Hey - There is a documentary about this movie,which I watched only last week - called Paradise Lost.It was very strange. I'd recommend it.
as an aside, i dig your blog.
I should say - the movie is about the West Memphis 3. Yeah,now I am making sense.
Thanks, girl. Yeah, there is a stack of stuff out there about them: songs; movies; books; autobiographies; poetry; a blog; t-shits in korea; you name it.
How did I not know already?
For some reason I really like that picture. The colors are perfect!
And those little pastel treats are divine--I could live on those for a week.
If you like tea: My yoga instructor told me E-Mart sells Earl Grey. Don't tell anyone else--I plan on stocking up.
its so mary poppins of you. as for the tee, i'm wondering if the person has any idea what it means. i read the book and saw the documentary. pretty interesting stuff. there was even a rock benefit a few years back. supposedely they were making a feature film but not sure what happened to it.
Ethan! Can't believe you mentioned 'her' name... Mary Poppins is Practically Perfect in Every Way... I keep thinking of her lately!
And Pia.. Thanks! I particularly like the bunched up blankets on the floor... Their colours referred on the bed. Yeah.
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