Yesterday Milla reached out for a toy on her gym, we were so proud. Charlie sat with her, coaxing her and gently removing fist from mouth, until she fully made the transition and reached out again and again with her open hand to bat the toy.
Leap! Joy! |
The rest of the day she was exhausted, we went visiting and she slept in the car and grizzled at lunch. We'd had a shower together and her hair was spiky and it was perhaps the hottest day of her life so she was dressed in shorts. She looked cute and to my eye, very smart!
She howled in the evening, which is the routine at the moment, though I never get used to it. Particularly when tears appear.
Today we did some tummy time and she was focussed and calm, watching my hands drum across the floor in big arcs and trying to crawl towards me. I quickly put her down to sleep after that effort.
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