Yesterday was the twelfth day, and it was a regular school day. On the way to work in the morning I realised some kid was following me, imitating my strut for the amusement of his mate. Am I that ridiculous? Had dinner with a friend in my hood. I really wanted to eat galbi - barbequed meat - one more time before I left cos I love it and it's so Korean to me. So we overate, it was delicious. Talked about the history wars in Australia and Spain.
Today I cleaned, I talked to home, I read blogs and eventually went out, with the mission to find a French ghetto. Last year there was a sensation in Korea when two French expatriates were under suspicious for killing their babies and storing them in their home freezer in this hood. I'd heard there was a Montmartre street and all... Unfortunately, my directions were sketchy, so I ended up roaming around in the twilight (and increasing chill), looking for anything French. After walking by a huge suburb being built, another one a ghost town, I'd given up when I saw a sign in French. Oh my. Stopped a moment later and took this photo ::
So strange to hear the words French and Ghetto applied in Korea. Sometimes you never know about demographics.
Yeah, I met a few French people in Korea and I was really surprised. I remember reading about their own "safe center" in Seoul, should North Korea ever attack--so there have to be more French people in the capital than we think.
Oh, and I like your new profile pic. You look so pretty! The old one was super cute but made me think your hair was black, when it wasn't.
Gorgeous photo. I love the lighting.
its all french to me...
It's a pretty small community, not in the thousands. Nothing compared to the Filipinos, that's for sure.
But they are concentrated in this lil area. A safe centre! That's a bit rich, though...
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