Thursday, October 19, 2006

Bow on a Bike

I've been meaning to post about seeing guys here bow on their bikes as they ride past acquaintances. I think it's really funny. And then tonight the owner of the photo shop had just mounted his scooter as I approached the store, so he was bound to bow to me from his scooter. Love that.
Some old lady grabbed me on the arm tonight -hard- as I was trying to enter my building and said a whole lot of stuff I didn't understand. She wouldn't let me go, and pinched my cheek. I deduced that she thought I looked melancholy and should smile at the world. So I did. It made me happy. So happy I thought I would call KP and tell her about this little sweetness. But first there was mail in my box -a phone bill- great. Tore it open as I went up in the lift and felt myself perspire. 372000 won. That's $514 Aussie. That's for a month.
Makes me wonder for the billionth time if it's all worth it. This week I feel really conflicted. It's all in my head. Should I stay or should I go now? I end up wishing it would become unsafe so I would have an excuse to go home. But I don't need excuses to go home - there is so much there that draws me. But financially... Ugh.
Anyways tonight I went to yet another of these restaurants that feature a particular ingredient. This time it was pumpkin. Everything decorated orange and giant pumpkins and sacks of pumpkins all around. Dishes were served inside pumpkins. Pumpkin juice. It was tasty but the side dishes were all pickled radish and I'm not a huge fan.


Anonymous said...

i still bow.

its been definately over a month now (not including the sojourn to hobart) and i stil bow.

and i still miss kimchi.

and i still miss being challenged on levels inconceivable.

and i miss you.

its worth it.
trust me.

j. ethan duran said...

you go to all the best speciality places:

i want to go to the pumpkin palace. i had a pumpkin slushy the other day. as for your phone bill...yikes!!! call me its cheaper. i'd also hate to see you go, but truly understand. you'll figure it all out.

Pia said...

Give yourself a few weeks to think about it. How long have you been in Korea? A lot of foreigners I meet begin to really hate Korea after living her for 3-4 months, but they grow out of it.

Also, your boyfriend just left, so maybe that's why you're having doubts about staying here?

mskp said...

i'm so sorry i missed your call, babes, but your message was beautiful. where's my lil' ol' lady with the arm grabbing and the cheek pinching? maybe that's what we all need - some geriatric telling us to suck it up. she sounds a bit like the log lady...