Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Baby racing through the house. Fast and fun and getting dirty knees. I call to her and she follows me around the place. She's quick and pleased with herself.

Milla discovered crawling at 9.5 months.
Standing, holding, now so confidently, alternating hands and she points points points to helicopters, magpies and leaves waving.

It's nearly time for our big trip and this mobility changes things. How will it be at campsites? Staying warm and clean and dry? We camp Stirling, in a house at Falls Creek, a few camp night backcountry to near Mt Kozi, on to Canberra to stay who-knows-where, then the big push north to Byron, staying maybe Crescent Head and somewhere... on the way. Byron! Then back down, to Newcastle, to Blue Mountains, then a week of who-knows-exactly then home.

I cut my hand tonight and grabbed a tea towel to soak the blood. Milla in her high chair was having a snack, idea was to put her to bed in a tic for a late nap. I knelt by her chair, hand aloft in the bloody towel. She swung her arm out of the seat, and patted my arm and was peaceful. I felt so comforted.

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