Friday, October 07, 2005


JUST when you think Amanda Vanstone can't get more outrageous, she does.
Yesterday, she should have been contrite. You'd think, having presided over the Immigration Department since October 2003, she might feel she ought to have noticed how appalling it was.
Instead she joked provocatively at suggestions she should take some responsibility for the shocking culture, documented in the Comrie report, that existed until the lid was recently blown off it. "Look, there've been calls for me to step aside from, actually, March 1996," she quipped. "I'm thinking of trying to buy the copyright on Elton John's song I'm Still Standing, but I don't want to tempt fate. So I'll just play it to myself quietly at night."


Aleks - Anarcho-Syndicalist said...

No matter how low they sink nothing surprises me about this government any more.

Even if they came out and said "It's Vivian's own fault she was deported because she's not white!" it wouldn't surprise me. The baseness of this government, and sadly a significant proportion of the Australian people, knows no bounds.

Aleks - Anarcho-Syndicalist said...

Buzz, it wouldn' do any good. There is a shredder attached to her fax machine.

Bonnie Conquest said...

Aleks+Buzz -

It's hard to know what to do. In the face of the immensity of the injustice... What can one do to affect change? Last night I went to the launch of Michael Gordon's 'Freeing Ali: The Human Face of the Pacific Solution' and it was patently clear that the only direct action/contact changes hearts and minds. All this politicking at the edges, negotiating, lobbying.... where does it get us?

Hmm. I was feeling cheery this morning... Now I'm back in the fog :(

Bonnie Conquest said...

She won't. There's no reason to.

Anonymous said...

bonnie, that was a very insightful thing to say...

Bonnie Conquest said...

Why, thank-you Teach.

Check out page 5 of The Age today -

Anonymous said...

what about Ruddock? he was minister as Alvarez was living the nightmare. Ruddock and Vanstone are both taking cover by saying that neither could have known, that those responsible for the cover-up were way below them. but they are absolutely responsible for the current culture of the immigration department, which can only be described as evil. i don't mind the fax idea. Vanstone should know there's people out there that not only want her out, but genuinely hate her

Aleks - Anarcho-Syndicalist said...

Are you involved in the Refugee Action Collective in Melbourne? If not I would recommend that you do. I am a member of a similar organisation in Sydney; the Refugee Action Coalition and we hold protests, put out media releases, hold rallies etc. Personally I have given a number of speeches at rallies and protests on the issue. It is only through educating the wider community about the issue that public attitudes will change and thus the attitude of the government (and Parliamentary ALP) will change. I can get you contact details if you like.

Anonymous said...

I'm in the process of doing some volunteer work for asylum seekers

Aras said...

Amanda Vanstone, eh? I'm not gonna lie to you Bonnie. I have no idea who that is.

Bonnie Conquest said...

That's ok Aras. I have no idea who all the idiots in your blog are. This conversation is very Australia-specific - Lithuanian Americans wouldn't really follow it... But! If you want to know, type 'Amanda Vanstone' into Wikipedia and you'll get a summary. She's a controversial minister in the Australian government.

Aras said...

wow, she certainly is repugnant.

Anonymous said...

she just has to go