It took more than ten days for Milla to ask about home. We were on the road, camping and adventuring and there was no mention of home, Alpi or screentime. We had fourteen nights away all up, final two nights in a house but 12 nights in the tent. Longest continuous camping ever I reckon.
Cape Conran campsite pack up 31 December. 2.5 years old. |
Milla at thirty months:
- Converses! Can talk and talk. Drops words into sentences like 'different' and 'wheelchair' and 'true'... and 'actually' is how she starts many sentences!!
- Very tender with her cousin Solomon... Says his name 'Somolon'. Gazes at his pictures and says 'ohhh he's soooo cute'.
- Bedtime routine is milk, teeth, pjs, some books, with an episode of Peter Rabbit somewhere in there as an incentive: usually with milk, sometime also after teeth. Teeth can sometime be a battle resulting in a smacked hand by Charlie.
- Still has a nighttime nappy, that is quite wet most mornings.
- Loves to exercise! Karate, dancing, somersaults recently, lunges, push ups and jumping.
- Can open her bedroom door, and ours. Gets up and comes into our room - but at a mercifully reasonable hour.
- Calls our bluff when we ask her where the plot is! "Here it is!" with an imaginary thing in her hand.
- Can spell out the letters of her name! Can write M - i - l - l - under supervision.
- Very confident swimmer.
- Met her paternal great-grandmother.
- Tantrums.
- Tantrums.
- Tantrums.