Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Youse all know that it's all about love.
Well. It's been a superkalafragalisticexpealadocious few days of loving, partying, eating, drinking, photographing, being spoilt, sneezing, driving, loving, and sundry goodness.
Oh my gawd, life is indeed sweet.
Massive props to my blogging compadres, 'specially KP and TT who were HOT HOT HOT and Mack Daddy and Richard who I met in the fleshhhhh for the first time. Yay.


richardwatts said...

An absolute pleasure - truly.

Unknown said...

You are simply delighful Bonnie Conquest.

thanks once again for the invite

mskp said...

i am trying to be supercalifragilisticexpiefficacious. but it's hard.

j. ethan duran said...

sounds like all is good in bc's hood.
i miss you!

Unknown said...

lol 'sif Eltham is a hood

kiki said...

you get on the wrong side of eltham peeps and you'll learn what a real hood is all about
trust me, i grew up there

Unknown said...

and you turned out to be a fluffy puppy that is full of giggles and joy aka not gangsta (or even gangster)

kiki said...

but i can look mean...

Anonymous said...

Hi gorgeous,
I am smiling on the other side of the world!